What has HALT mutated into?

From passion projects to consulting services, HALT CREATION is learning, evolving, and sharing.

> Students are eager to gain practical experiences

> Project based learning and automation can empower the new generation

HALT CREATION in Hessen, Germany, 2019. Photographer: Stella Tang

Developed by Haojiang Li, HALT CREATION was a futurism fashion apparel based in British Columbia, Canada. It started off as Li’s hobby project back in university. In 2020, HALT CREATION has developed into a design and manufacturing consulting company. The scope of HALT CREATION’s services are ranging from Concept, Design, Prototyping, Sampling, Manufacturing, CMS setup, and Project management. Its mission is to redefine standard procedures of product development cycles, and make its operations manuals open source.

During my years in university, I took on projects on and off during spare time. Although art and creative works did not correlate with my degree in Economics, I proceeded to develop an apparel collection with HALT. With the supports of the Fine Arts Department and Office of Student Life at the University of Victoria, I organized an art show in summer 2019 to showcase some of the works before my final term.

Li in Victoria, BC shooting a catalog with a new collection of HALT CREATION, 2019
Me in Victoria, BC shooting a catalog for a new collection of HALT CREATION, 2019

With the help of technology, the new generation has more leverage than conventional businesses to develop unique solutions to real life problems.

Shooting catalogs at a library in the University of Victoria, 2018

As a student project, I utilized a lot of resources from the university and my personal network. From catalog shooting to funding, I brought HALT from Victoria to Vancouver, from Canada to Germany. Whenever I shared the ideas of HALT with my friends and classmates, they were all so excited to be part of the project.

What I have learnt from the experience is that project based learning has so much more potential to be discovered. With no experience with marketing, retail of HALT was never profitable, but the experience of new methods of production was later packaged into service based consulting products targeting small businesses since earlier 2020. Especially among students, some of the most popular demands are usually internships and employments. Students are precisely the curious type who are eager to gain practical experience, to apply their knowledge, and to solve real life problem.

The new generation is far more familiar with new technology.

In my opinion, due to the financial tie to the idea of “employment” and increasing amount of automation, both employers and students are becoming less confident and less enthusiastic in entry level job market.

Instead, what should be promoted is how students can utilize project based learning to pave their own path, to sustain a business model with new tools pioneers have created.

Instead, what should be promoted is that with the help of technology, the new generation has more leverage than conventional businesses to develop unique solutions to real life problems.

Learn more about HALT CREATION and Li. Wilhelm Haojiang.



Li. Wilhelm (Haojiang) 李镐江

Design/ Manufacturing Consultant based in Vancouver, BC. English, Deutsch, and 中文. See willi.uk